Hemorrhoids (Piles) During Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Many women, especially during the third quarter, have hemorrhoids (also called "piles"). Hemorrhoids are more common if the woman is constipated.

Causes of hemorrhoids or piles during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins (swollen veins) that appear in the rectum. Sometimes out of the anal opening, usually itch or pain and can even burst and bleed.

Hemorrhoids or piles occur when veins in the rectum become swollen and enlarged by straining or pressure. The three common causes of hemorrhoids are:
  • Straining during bowel movements
  • The pressure of excess weight
  • The pressure when sitting or standing for a long time

Piles During pregnancy:

  • The growing uterus increases pressure on the veins in the lower body, which can lead to hemorrhoids.
  • Pregnancy hormones also cause vein walls to become loose and that is why they swell more easily.
  • If you strain during bowel movements difficult, more blood is trapped in the swollen veins and hemorrhoids cause great pain.
  • When you force, you may go hemorrhoids anal orifice.

If you had hemorrhoids before pregnancy, you're more likely to keep coming back. Also can occur or worsen with the stress of labor.

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What you can do to avoid hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

You can help prevent hemorrhoids by simple changes in habits that do not suffer constipation:

Drink plenty of fluids.

* Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water per day.

* It also helps to take one or two glasses of fruit juices, such as plum.

Eat foods rich in fiber.

* Eat fruits and vegetables, bran cereals and other foods rich in fiber.

* If you feel an increase in gas, gradually add fiber to your diet.

* Wheat bran is a good fiber supplement because it produces less gas than other foods high in fiber.

Exercise regularly.

* With aprobaiĆ³n your health care professional, walking and other activities safe for at least 30 minutes a day helps the digestive system to function properly.

* Always be sure to check with the health professional what exercise can do and how long you can maintain your exercise program.

Do not delay.

* Always go to the bathroom as soon as you feel like.

* If you delay, it will cost more bowel movements.

Do not gain too much weight.

* Increase amount of weight.

* Do not exceed the limits of weight gain indicated by the health professional.

* Excess weight puts more pressure on the abdomen and is more likely to leave you hemorrhoids.

Avoid standing or sitting for long periods.

* If you must sit for a long time, get up and walk a few minutes every hour or so.

* When you are lying down, resting on the left side to relieve pressure.

Follow these tips to relieve pain, swelling and itching:

* Get Soaking in warm water for 10 to 20 minutes several times a day. Pharmacies sell small tubs that are placed over the toilet seat to be a sitz bath.

* Call your health care professional what counter hemorrhoid ointments can be used.

* Choose white toilet paper and not perfumed. Some women prefer to clean the anus with disposable wipes, toilet paper, wet or medicated wipes instead of toilet paper.

* Keep the area of the anus. No need to clean with soap as it may aggravate the problem. Try to gently dry after a bath because moisture causes irritation.

* Apply ice or cold compresses for 10 minutes to four times a day.

* If the hemorrhoid comes out of the anal opening, gently push inward.

Holly Hayden is an independent expert on curing hemorrhoids 100%
naturally using the little-known fast system called "The H Miracle".
You can get a free sample and get your Free "What 95% of Hemorrhoid
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How Hemorrhoids (Piles) Develop During Pregnancy

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